Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Ex-JW Guilty of Plotting Terrorism
by cofty inaccording to radio news earlier today he was raised as a jw but was told to leave home when he was disfellowshipped and turned to the mosque for support.. a teenager who was on his way to behead a british soldier with a 12in knife when he was arrested, has been found guilty of preparing a terrorist act.. brusthom ziamani, 19, was also carrying a hammer and an "islamic flag" when he was arrested in london in august 2014......
Village Idiot
People that young are especially ripe for conversion to any religion. He must have had a real sh1tty life, thanks to his parents, before he made that decision. -
You will never grow old in this current system of things... - Awake, May 22, 1969 p. 15
by cappytan incheck this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
Village Idiot
Cappytan: "I'm not getting rid of this until my wife is completely awake."
If you do decide to get rid of it I'm willing to accept it.
Unfortunately I have no audio recordings of it but I remember a talk in 1974 where Fred Franz, then vice president of the Watchtower, gave a talk explicitly stating that the end would happen within a few months or years after 1975.
There were many thousands in attendance at that talk.
CO has been coming to my door. Would like 1 or 2 solid and easy arguments.
by The Laser Viking ini am 6th generation.
i have been out for a few years.. back story on the situation:.
i had a co come by while going door-to-door in the neighborhood.
Village Idiot
Tell him that they have had 3 major 1914 doctrines that they have changed when history proved them wrong.
- The "end times" were from 1799 - 1914 with Armageddon referring to a social collapse spanning 40 years from 1874 - 1914 and the Millennium starting on 1914. They had this doctrine from the 1870s to shortly after 1914.
- When that doctrine failed they said that the end times were from 1914 until the lifespan of the generation living then.
- When that generation almost died out they said that the generation referred to something else. Something incomprehensible.
Keep it brief and simple.
by TerryWalstrom ini use to dream about designing a bathroom that was, well.
crazy.. today, i saw this photo and almost fell over.
obviously somebody else had the same dream!.
Village Idiot
Is that Flipper that I see in there?
Life On Mars!!!
by apostrate ini first heard of this a couple of years ago, i think it is nasa that is sending people to mars to begin a colony on the red planet.
they will never be allowed to return to earth.
i just saw on the morning news that they have 100 people narrowed down who have volunteered.
Village Idiot
"I just saw on the morning news that they have 100 people narrowed down who have volunteered. They may actually leave sometime this Fall and the trip will take about 8 months for them to travel the 200 million miles to get there."
There is no way that any manned trip to Mars will take place this or any other year before the end of this century. The US simply doesn't have the infrastructure in space or on earth to launch such a dedicated mission.
As for Witnesses being on board it would be nice if we could send them all to Mars.
How the Watchtower organization does, in fact, claim to be an inspired prophet.
by Island Man indraw any jw's attention to watchtower's history of false predictions and invariably, somewhere down the line of the conversation, the jw will tell you that watchtower never claimed to be an inspired prophet and therefore cannot be accused of being a false prophet.
but is it really true that watchtower has never claimed to be an inspired prophet?.
technically speaking, the answer is yes - i think (if i'm wrong i'd love to see the quote).
Village Idiot
They used to refer to themselves as the "Jeremiah Class", the "Ezekiel Class" and so forth. Those were prophets whose authority they want to rub off on them.
What's more, just calling themselves Witnesses means that they're testifying on their god's behalf. Yet the testimony they give is nothing but perjury.
Time to criticize another religion: Islam
by SonoftheTrinity inplease understand i have nothing against islam.
i have something against alpha muslim men.. i was walking my cute little chihuahua mix in the park the other day when darts off sniffing since i am using a retractable extension leash and i am not minding the fact that he comes up on a muslim family and gets within a foot of them.
the paterfamilias gives me a dirty look and then says something to his wife and i can make out the word "saif" which is arabic for "sword.
Village Idiot
Why would he be using the word for "sword"? -
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
Village Idiot
"How do Neandertals figure into the whole Genesis account of Adam and Eve and the concept of a ransom?"
Fantastic point! Bringing Neandertals into the creation account is another monkey wrench that can be thrown at their world view.
Did Neandertals evolve from Adam? Or did they evolve from Noah? Maybe Perry knows?
Neanderthal man
by scary21 inmy ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
Village Idiot
Again Perry, you did not draw the boundary between 'human' and 'non-human. Here is the list once more:
- Homo Sapiens and its cousin species Neandertal
- Homo Heidelbergensis
- Homo Antecessor
- Homo Erectus/Ergaster
- Homo Rudolfensis
- Homo Habilis
- Austrolopithecines
by brandnew ingrowing up, i never ever even saw these guys faces, or even knew their names.
all of a sudden they're on my computer screen, tv, and on every other magazine coming out of the watchtower machine.
why all the glamour now?
Village Idiot
Some marketing strategist must have suggested that they all become more public. Even the jokes that they make in their talks are scripted. It's an attempt to give a human face to the organization. Too much is happening all at once to imagine that these men, who have no imagination, are making the changes on their own.